1) How would I ask a person their age in Spanish? ¿ ? OR ¿ ? Tran

... ? Translate to Spanish. 2) I am 13 years old. 3) I am 16 years old. 4) I am 5 feet 6 inches tall. (My height is 5'6”). 5) I am 6 feet. (My height is 6'). Place numbers ...
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1) How would I ask a person their age in Spanish? ¿_______________________________? OR ¿_______________________________? Translate to Spanish. 2) 3) 4) 5)

I am 13 years old. I am 16 years old. I am 5 feet 6 inches tall. (My height is 5’6”) I am 6 feet. (My height is 6’)

Place numbers in order from smallest to greatest 6) TREINTA -- CUARENTA Y CUATRO – VEINTE – SEIS – SESENTA – CIENTO UNO 7) How would I ask a person for their phone number? (long or short) ¿ ____________________________________________? Give the following number in Spanish 8) 21___________________________ 9) 35 ___________________________ 10) 40 ___________________________ 11) 50 _________________________ 12) 2016_________________________