1 Full Bibliography New entries added from The Essential History of

remaining entries have been carried over from The History of Mexico. ... (2001) La población trabajadora y sindicalizada en México en el período de la.
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1 Full Bibliography New entries added from The Essential History of Mexico have been marked with an asterisk. The remaining entries have been carried over from The History of Mexico.

Abad y Queipo, Manuel (1813) Coleccion de los escritos mas importantes que en diferentes epocas dirigió al gobierno d. Manuel Abad Queipo, obispo electo de Michoacan. Mexico City: En la oficina de d. Mariano Ontiveros. Abad y Queipo, Manuel (1994) Colección de escritos. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Abruch Linder, Miguel (1983) ―La cruzada empresarial,‖ Nexos 64 (April): 25–28. Acosta, Mariclaire & Rocío Culebro (1993) ―El poder frente a los derechos humanos,‖ Cemos Memoria 51 (February): 5–16. Adams, Eleanor B. (1953) ―Bishop Tamarón‘s Visitation of New Mexico, 1760,‖ New Mexico Historical Review 28 (April): 81–114. Adams, Richard N. (1967) ―Nationalization,‖ pp. 469–89, Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. 6, Manning Nash, ed. Austin TX: University of Texas Press. Adelman, Jeremy (2006) Sovereignty and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Ades, Dawn (1989) Art in Latin America. New Haven CT: Yale University Press. ADESE (1988) Manual de vigilancia y defensa del voto. Mexico City: Asamblea Democrática por el Sufragio Efectivo. AFSC (1999) Still Pulling Strings. Philadelphia PA: American Friends Service Committee. Agee, Philip (1975) Inside the Company. New York: Stonehill. Aggarwal, Vinod K. (1996) Debt Games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Aguayo, Sergio (1995) ―A Mexican Milestone,‖ Journal of Democracy 6 (April): 157–67. –––– (2007) Almanaque mexicano. Mexico City: Aguilar. –––– (2008) México: todo en cifras. Mexico City: Aguilar.

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2 Aguiar, José Carlos (2006) ―Las políticas de seguridad pública en América Latina,‖ Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 81 (October): 115–21. Aguilar, Rubén & Jorge G. Castañeda (2007) La diferencia: radiografía de un sexenio. Mexico City: Grijalbo. Aguilar Camín, Héctor (1980) ―The Relevant Tradition: Sonoran Leaders in the Revolution,‖ pp. 92–123, Caudillo and Peasant in the Mexican Revolution, D. A. Brading, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. –––– (1982a) ―La transición política,‖ Nexos 51 (March): 9–14. –––– (1982b) ―A través del túnel,‖ Nexos 60 (December): 13–25. –––– (1988) Después del milagro. Mexico City: Cal y Arena. Aguilar Camín, Héctor & Lorenzo Meyer (1993) In the Shadow of the Revolution. Austin TX: University of Texas Press. Aguilar García, Javier (1997) ―Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM),‖ pp. 283–86, and ―Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM),‖ pp. 294–97, Encyclopedia of Mexico, Michael S. Werner, ed. Chicago IL: Fitzroy Dearborn. –––– (2001) La población trabajadora y sindicalizada en México en el período de la globalización. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). –––– (2004a) ―La CTM y la tasa de sindicalización,‖ Estudios Políticos 2 (May–August): 101– 17. –––– (2004b) ―Notes on Unemployment in Mexico,‖ Voices of Mexico 67 (April–June): 63–67. Aguilar Monteverde, Alonso (1974) Dialéctica de la economía mexicana (5th ed.). Mexico City: Nuestro Tiempo. Aguilar Plata, Blanca (1998) ―La imagen de Porfirio Díaz en la prensa capitalina de su tiempo,‖ pp. 141–60, La prensa en México, Laura Navarrete Maya & Blanca Aguilar Plata, eds. Mexico City: Addison, Wesley, Longman de México. Aguilar Rivera, José Antonio (2003) ―Crónicas de la sociedad abierta,‖ Nexos 302 (February): 14–18. Aguilar Zínser, Adolfo (1990) ―Las relaciones cívico-militares en México,‖ pp. 291–312, Los militares y la democracia, Louis W. Goodman, Johanna S. R. Mendelson, & Juan Rial, eds. Montevideo: PEITHO.

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3 –––– (1995) ¡Vamos a ganar! Mexico City: Océano. *Aguilera, Gabriel (2012) ―Party Discipline, Electoral Competition, and Banking Reforms in Democratic Mexico,‖ Comparative Politics 44 (July): 421-38. Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzalo (1944) ―The Slave Trade in Mexico,‖ Hispanic American Historical Review 24 (August): 412–31. –––– (1967) ―Un postulado de política indigenista,‖ América Indígena 27 (July): 559–65. –––– (1970) ―The Integration of the Negro into the National Society of Mexico,‖ pp. 11–27, Race and Class in Latin America, Magnus Mörner, ed. New York: Columbia University Press. –––– (1975) ―Etnocidio en México,‖ América Indígena 35 (April–June): 405–18. –––– (1989a) La población negra de México. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. –––– (1989b) Cuijla (2nd ed.) Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Ahern, Maureen (1998) ―Fronteras mudables: un informe náhuatl de la Guerra Chichimeca, 1563,‖ pp. 61–76, Indigenismo hacia el fin del milenio, Mabel Moraña, ed. Pittsburgh PA: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Ahlborn, Richard Eighme (1985) The San Antonio Missions. Fort Worth TX: Amon Carter Museum. Alamán, Lucas (1942) Historia de Méjico (5 vols.). Mexico City: Jus. Alarcón, Diana (2003) ―Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation in Mexico,‖ pp. 447–86, Confronting Development, Kevin J. Middlebrook & Eduardo Zepeda, eds. Palo Alto CA: Stanford University Press & San Diego CA: UCSD Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies. Alarcón, Diana & Terry McKinley (1997) ―The Paradox of Narrowing Wage Differentials and Widening Wage Inequality in Mexico,‖ Development & Change 28 (July): 505–30. Alba, Francisco (1976) ―Éxodo silencioso: la emigración de trabajadores a Estados Unidos,‖ Foro Internacional 27 (October–December): 152–79. –––– (1978) ―Mexico‘s International Migration as a Manifestation of its Development Pattern,‖ International Migration Review 12 (no. 4): 502–13. –––– (1982) The Population of Mexico. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction. * ––––(1993a) ―Cambios demográficos y el fin del Porfiriato,‖ pp. 148-64, El poblamiento de Mexico, vol. 3. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO).

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–––– (1993b) ―Crecimiento demográfico y transformación económica, 1930–1970,‖ pp. 74–95, El poblamiento de México, vol. 4. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO). Alba, Francisco & Joseph E. Potter (1986) ―Population and Development in Mexico since 1940,‖ Population & Development Review 12 (March): 47–76. Alba Vega, Carlos & Enrique Valencia Lomelí (2003) ―Agotamiento de un modelo de desarrollo,‖ pp. 233–57, México al inicio de siglo XXI, Alberto Aziz Nassif, ed. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS). Alberro, Solange (1988) Inquisición y sociedad en México: 1571–1700. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Albro, Ward S. (1992) Always a Rebel: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mexican Revolution. Ft. Worth: TCU Press. Alcaraz, Ramón, Alejo Barreiro, José María Castillo, Félix María Escalante, José María Iglesias, Manuel Muñoz, Ramón Ortiz, Manuel Payno, Guillermo Prieto, Ignacio Ramírez, Napoleón Soborio, Francisco Schiafino, Francisco Segura, Pablo María Torrescano, & Francisco Urquidi (1970) Apuntes para la historia de la guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos. Mexico City: Siglo XXI. Alcazar, Marco Antonio (1970) Las agrupaciones patronales en México. Mexico City: Colegio de México. Alcocer, Jorge (1994) ―Party System and Political Transition in Mexico,‖ pp. 149–57, The Politics of Economic Development, Maria Lorena Cook, Kevin J. Middlebrook, & Juan Molinar Horcasitas, eds. San Diego CA: UCSD Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies. Alcocer, Jorge & Humberto Musacchio (2006) México 2006. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Alemán Valdés, Miguel (1987) Remembranzas y testimonios. Mexico City: Grijalbo. Alemán Velasco, Miguel (1997) No siembro para mí. Mexico City: Diana. Alfie, Miriam (2002) ―Alianzas y desafíos,‖ Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 73 (October): 23–42. Alisky, Marvin (1981) Latin American Media. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press. Alonso, Ana María (1995) Thread of Blood. Tucson AZ: University of Arizona Press.

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5 *Althouse, Aaron P. (2005) ―Contested Mestizos, Alleged Mulattos,‖ The Americas 62 (Oct.): 151-75. Alvarado, Arturo (1985) ―Introduction,‖ pp. 1–16, Electoral Patterns and Perspectives in Mexico, Arturo Alvarado, ed. UCSD Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies Monograph Series, 22. San Diego CA: UCSD Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies. Alvarado, Lourdes (1991) El siglo XIX ante el feminismo. Mexico City: Coordinación de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ––––, ed. (2005) Educación y superación femenina en el siglo XIX: dos ensayos de Laureana Wright. Cuadernos del Archivo Histórico de la UNAM 19. Álvarez, Luis H. (2006) Medio siglo. Mexico City: Plaza y Janés. Americas Watch (2009) Uniform Impunity. New York: Americas Watch. Amnesty International (1977) Amnesty International Report 1977. London: Amnesty International. –––– (1982) Amnesty International Report 1982. London: Amnesty International. –––– (1987) Amnesty International Report 1987. London: Amnesty International. –––– (1991) Torture with Impunity. New York: Amnesty International. –––– (1995) Human Rights Violations in Mexico. New York: Amnesty International. –––– (2007a) Mexico: Laws without Justice. New York: Amnesty International. –––– (2007b) Amnesty International Report 2007. London: Amnesty International. Ampudia, Ricardo, ed. (1993) Estados Unidos de América en los informes presidenciales de México. Mexico City: Instituto Matías Romero de Estudios Diplomáticos. Anderson, Rodney (1976) Outcasts in their Own Land. DeKalb IL: University of Northern Illinois Press. –––– (1997) ―Industrial Labor: 1876–1910,‖ pp. 681–86, Encyclopedia of Mexico, Michael S. Werner, ed. Chicago IL: Fitzroy Dearborn. Andreas, Peter (1996) ―U.S.–Mexico: Open Markets, Closed Border,‖ Foreign Policy 103 (Summer): 51–69. –––– (1998) ―The Political Economy of Narco-Corruption in Mexico,‖ Current History 97 (April): 160–65.

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6 –––– (2000) Border Games. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press. Andrews, Anthony P., E. Wyllys Andrews & Fernando Robles Castellanos (2003) ―The Northern Maya Collapse and its Aftermath,‖ Ancient Mesoamerica 14 (Spring): 151–56. * Andrien, Kenneth J. (2009) ―The Spanish Atlantic System,‖ pp. 55-79, Atlantic History, Jack P. Greene & Philip D. Morgan, eds. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. Angell, Alan (1998) ―The Left in Latin America since c. 1920,‖ pp. 75–144, Latin America: Politics and Society since 1930, Leslie Bethell, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Anglade, Christian & Carlos Fortín (1985) ―The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America,‖ pp. 1–51, The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America, vol. 1, Christian Anglade & Carlos Fortín, eds. Pittsburgh PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. Ankerson, Dudley (1984) Agrarian Warlord. DeKalb IL: Northern Illinois University Press. Anna, Timothy E. (1978) The Fall of the Royal Government in Mexico City. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press. –––– (1983) Spain and the Loss of America. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press. –––– (1985a) ―The Independence of Mexico and Central America,‖ pp. 51–94, Cambridge History of Latin America (vol. 3), Leslie Bethell, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. –––– (1985b) ―The Rule of Agustín de Iturbide,‖ Journal of Latin American Studies 17 (May): 79–110. –––– (1989) ―The Iturbide Interregnum,‖ pp. 185–99, The Independence of Mexico and the Creation of a New Nation, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Los Angeles CA: UCLA Latin American Center and Mexico/Chicano Program of the University of California, Irvine. –––– (1990) The Mexican Empire of Iturbide. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press. –––– (1993) ―Demystifying Early Nineteenth Century Mexico,‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 9 (Winter): 119–37. –––– (1994) ―Iturbide, Congress, and Constitutional Monarchy in Mexico,‖ pp. 17–38, The Political Economy of Spanish America in the Age of Revolution, 1750–1850, Kenneth J. Andrien & Lyman L. Johnson, eds. Albuquerque NM: University of New Mexico Press. –––– (1996) ―Inventing Mexico: Provincehood and Nationhood after Independence,‖ Bulletin of Latin American Research 15 (January): 7–18. –––– (1997) ―Review of National Popular Politics in Early Independent Mexico, 1820–1847 by Torcuato S. Di Tella,‖ American Historical Review, (February): 233–34.

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7 –––– (1998a) Forging Mexico, 1821–1835. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press. –––– (1998b) ―Review of Mexicans at Arms by Pedro Santoni,‖ American Historical Review 103 (April): 627–28. Anonymous Conqueror (1972) Narrative of Some Things of New Spain. Boston MA: Milford House. Ansell, Martin R. (1998) Oil Baron of the Southwest. Columbus OH: Ohio State University Press. Antuñano Maurer, Alejandro de (1987) ―Miguel Hidalgo frente al dogma y la política de 1810,‖ Revista de la UNAM 440 (September): 20–24. Appendini, Kristen (2001) De la milpa a los tortibonos (2nd ed.) Mexico City: Colegio de México. –––– (2003) ―The Challenges to Rural Mexico in an Open Economy,‖ pp. 255–75, Mexico‘s Politics and Society in Transition, Joseph S. Tulchin & Andrew D. Selee, eds. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner. Appendini, Kristen & Diana Liverman (1994) ―Agricultural Policy, Climate Change and Food Security in Mexico,‖ Food Policy 19 (April): 149–64. Archer, Christon (1977) The Army in Bourbon Mexico, 1760–1810. Albuquerque NM: University of New Mexico Press. –––– (1981a) ―Bourbon Finances and Military Policy in New Spain, 1759–1812,‖ The Americas 37 (January): 315–50. –––– (1981b) ―The Royalist Army in New Spain: Civil-Military Relationships,‖ Journal of Latin American Studies 13 (May): 57–82. –––– (1985) ―Recent Work on Mexico,‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 1 (Winter): 125– 33. –––– (1986) ―Military,‖ pp. 197–226, Cities and Society in Colonial Latin America, Louisa Schell Hoberman & Susan Migden Socolow, eds. Albuquerque NM: University of New Mexico Press. –––– (1989a) ―‗La causa buena‘: The Counterinsurgency Army of New Spain and the Ten Years‘ War,‖ pp. 85–108, The Independence of Mexico and the Creation of a New Nation, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Los Angeles CA: UCLA Latin American Center & Mexico/Chicano Program of the University of California, Irvine.

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8 –––– (1989b) ―Where Did all the Royalists Go? New Light on the Military Collapse of New Spain, 1810–1822,‖ pp. 24–43, The Mexican and Mexican American Experience in the 19th Century, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Tempe AZ: Bilingual Press. –––– (1989c) ―The Young Antonio López de Santa Anna,‖ pp. 1–16, The Human Tradition in Latin America, Judith Ewell & William H. Beezley, eds. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. –––– (1991) ―‗¡Viva Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe!‘ Recent Interpretations of Mexico‘s Independence Period,‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 7 (Winter): 143–65. –––– (1992a) ―The Cutting Edge: The Historical Relationship between Insurgency, Counterinsurgency, and Terrorism during Mexican Independence, 1810–1821,‖ pp. 29–45, Terrorism: Roots, Impact, Responses, Lawrence Howard, ed. New York: Praeger. –––– (1992b) ―The Militarization of Mexican Politics: The Role of the Army, 1815–1821,‖ pp. 285–302, vol. 1, Five Centuries of Mexican History/Cinco siglos de historia de México, Virginia Guedea & Jaime E. Rodríguez O., eds. Mexico City: Instituto Mora & Irvine CA: University of California. –––– (1992c) ―Bite of the Hydra: The Rebellion of Cura Hidalgo, 1810–1811,‖ pp. 69–93, Patterns of Contention in Mexican History, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. –––– (1992d) ―La revolución desastrosa,‖ pp. 113–32, Tres Levantamientos Populares, J. Meyer, ed. Mexico City: Centre d‘Etudes Mexicaines et Centramericaines. –––– (1993) ―Politicization of the Army of New Spain during the War of Independence, 1810– 1821,‖ pp. 17–43, The Evolution of the Mexican Political System, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. –––– (1994a) ―What Goes Around Comes Around: Political Change and Continuity in Mexico, 1750–1850,‖ pp. 261–80, Mexico in the Age of Democratic Revolutions, 1750–1850, Jaime E. Rodríguez O., ed. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner. –––– (1994b) ―Insurrection—Reaction—Revolution—Pigmentation: Reconstructing the Choreography of Meltdown in New Spain during the Independence Era,‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 10 (Winter): 63–98. –––– (1997) Fighting for Small Worlds: Wars of the People during the Independence Era in New Spain, 1810–1821. Paper Presented at the XX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Guadalajara, Jalisco. –––– (2007) ―México en 1810: el fin del principio, el principio del fin,‖ pp. 21–39, México en tres momentos: 1810–1910–2010 (vol. 1), Alicia Mayer, ed. Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

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9 –––– (2008) ―Royalist Scourge or Liberator of the Patria?‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 24 (Summer): 325–61. *Archer, Christon I. (2011) ―Independence and the Generation of the Generals, 1810-1848,‖ pp. 251-61, A Companion to Mexican History and Culture, William H. Beezley, ed. Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Archibald, Robert (1978) The Economic Aspects of the California Missions. Washington DC: Academy of American Franciscan History. Arcila Farías, Eduardo (1974) Reformas económicas del siglo XVIII en Nueva España (2 vols.). Mexico City: SepSetentas. Argüello, Gilberto (1989) ―El primer medio siglo de vida independiente, 1821–1867,‖ pp. 197– 307, México: un pueblo en la historia, vol. 2, Enrique Semo, ed. Mexico City: Alianza Editorial Mexicana. Aristegui, Carmen (2006) Uno de Dos. Mexico City: Grijalbo. Arizpe, Lourdes (1981) ―The Rural Exodus in Mexico and the Mexican Migration to the United States,‖ International Migration Review 15 (Winter): 626–49. –––– (1989) La mujer en el desarrollo de México y de América Latina. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Armillas, Pedro (1971) ―Gardens on Swamps,‖ Science 174 (November 12): 653–61. Arnold, Linda (1988) Bureaucracy and Bureaucrats in Mexico City: 1742–1835. Tucson AZ: University of Arizona Press. Arreola, Daniel & James R. Curtis (1993) The Mexican Border Cities. Tucson AZ: University of Arizona Press. Arreola, Federico (2006) La lucha de la gente contra el poder del dinero. Mexico City: Nuevo Siglo/Aguilar. Arreola Ayala, Álvaro (1988) ―La ley electoral de 1946,‖ Revista Mexicana de Sociología 50 (July–September): 169–87. Arriaga, Ponciano (1959) Voto particular. San Luis Potosí: Centro Regional del Instituto de Estudios Políticos, Económicos y Sociales del PRI. Arriola, Carlos (2008) El miedo a gobernar. Mexico City: Océano. Arrom, Silvia M. (1985a) The Women of Mexico City, 1790–1857. Palo Alto CA: Stanford University Press.

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10 –––– (1985b) ―Changes in Mexican Family Law in the Nineteenth Century: The Civil Codes of 1870 and 1884,‖ Journal of Family History 10 (Fall): 305–17. –––– (1994) ―Changes in Mexican Family Law in the Nineteenth Century,‖ pp. 87–102, Confronting Change, Challenging Tradition, Gertrude M. Yeager, ed. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. –––– (1996a) ―Introduction,‖ pp. 1–16, Riots in the Cities, Silvia M. Arrom & Servando Ortoll, eds. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. –––– (1996b) ―Popular Politics in Mexico City: The Parián Riot, 1828,‖ pp. 71–96, Riots in the Cities, Silvia M. Arrom & Servando Ortoll, eds. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources. Arroyo Picard, Alberto, Sarah Anderson, John Dilion, John Foster, Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz, Karen Hansen-Kuhn, David Ranney, & Rita Schwentesius (2003) Impacts of the North American Free Trade Agreement in Mexico. Mexico City: Red Mexicana de Acción Frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC). Ashby, Joe C. (1963) Organized Labor and the Mexican Revolution under Lázaro Cárdenas. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press. –––– (1985) ―The Dilemma of the Mexican Trade Union Movement,‖ Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 1 (Summer): 277–302. Assadourian, Carlos Sempat (1989) ―La despoblación indígena en Perú y Nueva España durante el siglo XVI y la formación de la economía colonial,‖ Historia Mexicana 38 (January–March): 419–54. –––– (2006) ―Agriculture and Land Tenure,‖ pp. 275–314, Cambridge Economic History of Latin America (vol. 1) Victor Bulmer-Thomas, John H. Coatsworth, & Roberto Cortés Conde, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ávila, Alfredo (2007) ―Para una historia del pensamiento político del proceso de Independencia,‖ pp. 255–65, México en tres momentos: 1810–1910–2010 (vol 1), Alicia Mayer, ed. Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ávila, Manuel (1969) Tradition and Growth. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press. Ávila Espinosa, Felipe Arturo (2007) ―Las transformaciones sociales de la Revolución Mexicana,‖ pp. 91–105, México en tres momentos: 1810–1910–2010 (vol. 1), Alicia Mayer, ed. Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Aziz Nassif, Alberto (1996) Territorios de alternancia. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social.

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11 –––– (2003) ―La construcción de la democracia electoral,‖ pp. 367–428, Historia contemporánea de México (vol. 1), Ilán Bizberg & Lorenzo Meyer, eds. Mexico City: Océano. Aziz Nassif, Alberto & Jorge Alonso Sánchez (2003) ―Votos, reglas y partidos,‖ pp. 65–96, México al inicio del siglo XXI, Alberto Aziz Nassif, ed. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. Aziz Nassif, Alberto & Juan Molinar Horcasitas (1990) ―Los resultados electorales,‖ pp. 138–71, Segundo informe sobre la democracia, Pablo González Casanova, ed. Mexico City: Siglo XXI. Azuela, Mariano (1992) The Underdogs. Pittsburgh PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. Azuela de la Cueva, Antonio & Ma. Soledad Cruz Rodríguez (1989) ―La institucionalización de las colonias populares y la política urbana en la Ciudad de México (1940–1946),‖ Sociológica 4 (January–April): 111–34. Babb, Sarah (2001) Managing Mexico. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Bachelor, Steven J. (2008) ―Industrial Workers and the Promise of Americanization in the Cold War Mexico,‖ pp. 253–72, In from the Cold, Gilbert M. Joseph & Daniela Spenser, eds. Durham NC: Duke University Press. Bacon, David (2002) ―Off the Grid,‖ Multinational Monitor 23 (January–February): 17–19. –––– (2004) Children of NAFTA. Berkeley CA: University of California Press. * –––– (2013) The Right to Stay Home. Boston: Beacon. Bagley, Bruce M. & Juan Tokatlian (1999) Dope and Dogma,‖ pp. 219–35, Neighborly Adversaries, Michael LaRosa & Frank O. Mora, eds. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Bailey, David C. (1969) ―Álvaro Obregón and Anticlericalism in the 1910 Revolution,‖ The Americas 26 (October): 183–98. –––– (1974) ¡Viva Cristo Rey! Austin TX: University of Texas Press. –––– (1978) ―Revisionism and Recent Historiography of the Mexican Revolution,‖ Hispanic American Historical Review 58 (February): 62–79. –––– (1986) ―The Church since 1940,‖ pp. 236–42, Twentieth-Century Mexico, W. Dirk Raat & William H. Beezley, eds. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press. Bairoch, P. (1982) ―International Industrialization Levels from 1750 to 1980,‖ Journal of European Economic History 11 (Fall): 269–333.

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