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04-28-2019 Insert St. MARK Divine

28 abr. 2019 - Jesus' peace liberates us from our prison of fear. ... would ultimately lead him to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. We all face ...
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Sunday of Divine Mercy April 28, 2019

Jesus’ peace liberates us from our prison of fear. In the readings for the Mass today, fear is contrasted with confidence. In the first reading, despite the signs and wonders performed by the Apostles, some are unable to join them as believers, while others confidently are added to the number. The greeting, ‘Peace be with you’ is more than just a wish or a hope. It is a statement. It does not mean “may peace be with you.” It means “peace is with you.” The immediate effect of Jesus’ presence and words is shown in their “rejoicing.” St. Thomas, who was not with them when Jesus appeared to the others, refuses to believe their testimony. While we do not know the exact reason. And Jesus appears the second time. This time, Thomas is present and professes his belief in the Resurrection after touching Jesus’ wounds. But, before Jesus invited Thomas to touch his wounds, he greeted him with, Peace be with you. Again, this simple phrase, as it did for the other Apostles, instilled within Thomas a sense of confidence that would ultimately lead him to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. We all face encounters, events and people that can create distress and leave us fearful. But Thomas, John, Peter and the other disciples teach us today that Jesus came to liberate us from our spiritual and emotional prisons of fear. Jesus invites us to embrace the peace he offers and join with the other believers, who walk with confidence knowing the peace of Jesus dispels any fears. We celebrate the feast of the Divine Mercy this Sunday. Jesus’ desire for us to enjoy his peace is echoed in his words when he told St. Faustina, in one his appearances to her: “My child, life on earth is a struggle indeed; a great struggle for my kingdom. But fear not, because you are not alone” (Diary,1488). May we place our trust in the merciful heart of God and live in his light and grace!

Fr. Michael Jeeva Antony

The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Facing Difficult Challenges in their Relationship

A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend. Next weekend retreat is June 21-23 at Mount Angel. Go to for more information.

Mater Dei Radio 2019 Spring Sharathon


In just a few weeks, Mater Dei Radio -- KMME 94.9 FM, 100.5 FM, will begin broadcasting from its new Catholic Media Center. Help them celebrate this big move by joining the 2019 Spring Sharathon “Welcome Home” on May 6-10. More details on all the fun can be found at or by calling 888-823-5286.

Domingo de Divina Misericordia 28 Abril, 2019

La paz de Jesús nos libera de nuestra prisión de miedo. En las lecturas de la Misa de hoy, el miedo contrasta con la confianza. En la primera lectura, a pesar de las señales y maravillas realizadas por los apóstoles, algunos son incapaces de unirse a ellos como creyentes, mientras que otros se añaden con confianza al número. El saludo, 'la paz sea con vosotros' es más que un deseo o una esperanza. Es una declaración. No significa "que la paz esté con'go." Significa "la paz es con'go." El efecto inmediato de la presencia y las palabras de Jesús se muestra en su "regocijo." Santo Tomás, que no estaba con ellos cuando Jesús se apareció a los demás, se niega a creer en su tes'monio. Aunque no sabemos la razón exacta. Y Jesús aparece la segunda vez. Esta vez, Tomás está presente y profesa su creencia en la resurrección después de tocar las heridas de Jesús. Pero, antes de que Jesús invitó a Tomás a tocar sus heridas, él lo saludó con, la paz esté con ustedes. Una vez más, esta simple frase, como lo hizo para los otros apóstoles, inculcó en Tomás un sen'miento de confianza que, en úl'ma instancia, lo llevaría a difundir la buena nueva de Jesucristo al mundo. Todos nos enfrentamos a encuentros, eventos y personas que pueden crear angus'a y dejarnos temerosos. Pero Tomás, Juan, Pedro y los otros discípulos nos enseñan hoy que Jesús vino a liberarnos de nuestras prisiones espirituales y emocionales de temor. Jesús nos invita a abrazar la paz que él ofrece y a unirse a los otros creyentes, que caminan con confianza sabiendo que la paz de Jesús disipa cualquier temor. Celebramos la fiesta de la Divina Misericordia este Domingo. El deseo de Jesús de que disfrutaremos de su paz se repite en sus palabras cuando le dijo a Santa Faus'na, en una de sus apariciones: "Hija mía, la vida en la 'erra es una lucha de verdad; una gran lucha por mi reino. Pero no temáis, porque no estáis solos "(Diario, 1488). ¡Que podamos poner nuestra confianza en el Corazón Misericordioso de Dios y vivir en su luz y gracia!

Padre Miguel Jeeva Antony

¡Jesús, Confío en Tí!